A (very late) Graduation Post!

Doesn’t that picture just say it all?! FINALLY! (More pictures to follow…)

A little on Callum’s graduation, and the whole journey that got us here. Of course so many things have been altered/cancelled/postponed due to COVID, and graduations were one of those things. I was really looking forward to celebrating in a more traditional way, and cheering him on as he walked across the stage to receive his well-deserved degree. But, as I’ve learned in many different ways this year, quiet celebrations and personal moments are really pretty amazing too. After Callum graduated at the end of April, and started his new job right at the beginning of May, things got busy! (Hence not me not taking his pictures until August, and not posting on here until October… haha. Such is life right now.)

I want to tell a little story that took place nearly six years ago. Callum and I had been good friends for about 7 months before we went on our first date. Because of that, I think when we went on our first date we were a bit ahead of where a lot of people find themselves. On this first date we sat and talked, and I told him that if we were ever going to get married, he would need to go back to school, because I wanted him to pursue another degree that he really felt fulfilled with. He thought this was a crazy idea. He said he didn’t think he was smart enough. I won’t ever forget the feeling of absolute certainty that came over me, and I told him that if he went back to school I knew he would be able to accomplish anything he set his mind to. He asked me how I knew that, and I said I didn’t know, but I knew, and if he wanted to marry me, he would have to do that. Sounds pretty deep for a first date, right? Haha.

The other thing that was huge for us, was having to wait about 2 years before Callum could start school, due to his immigration status. It felt like such a journey, so when I way “FINALLY”, I do also think of all the days we prayed for the opportunity for him to return to school, and of how grateful we were when that time eventually came.

The first semester he attended the college, he was terrified, and barely slept the night before his first class. He would come home from school everyday and read all the material again, and read everything for the next class. Finally the time came for tests to start. I remember the first time Callum called me from school and yelled, “I got an A!” Then he said, “but it was probably just a fluke.” Then after the second time, and the third, he said “I think maybe I’m going to be okay.” Nearly every single school day, I would get up and see him sitting at the kitchen table with a lamp on, studying, knowing he’d been sitting there since 5am – even on Saturdays sometimes. This wasn’t only because he wanted to work hard and get good grades, but it also meant that I can look back and count very few nights that he ever studied into the evening, because he said he would rather lose some sleep and be able to spend time with me in the evenings.

I can’t express how much I appreciated that. He would often say, “a test is really important, but so is what’s happening right now.” I’ve seen him work so hard, and grow in his confidence and self esteem. I know that the guy back on our first date would never have believed that was possible, but Callum has graduated with Great Distinction, at the very top of his class. It goes to show that with hard work, we can all accomplish great things. I would also add, that when I asked Callum about the best moments of his university experience, I was surprised when he said getting a disappointing grade was one of the best parts, because it reminded him that he we don’t have to be perfect in order to be happy – we just have to know that we’ve done our best.

Am I ever grateful for this guy, and for his hard work, genius brain, and the way he balances life, work, school, me. Now, onto more training – but before we know it, he’ll be a Chartered Professional Accountant. Here we gooo! Love him so much.
